
The Parola Armour Museum is located at
Hattulantie 334, 13720 PAROLA

Bus number 5 runs right next to the main gate of the museum, you can find the, timetables and routes here.

From Parola train station, it is about 1 km to us in the direction of Parolanummi. The easiest way to get from Hämeenlinna train station is by bus number 5, which leaves directly from the station.
It is about 110 km from Helsinki and about 70 km from Tampere.


You can get more detailed guidance if needed

By e-mail:
or phone: +358 40 568 1186.


Let’s kick off the summer season with Häme Mobilists and rev up the engines!

The museum yard will once again be filled with stunning classic vehicles, the irresistible smell of grilling and the atmosphere of kicking off the summer season. 

Welcome to enjoy a spring day with the whole family!


Program includes:

- Activities for children

- Action demonstrations at the museum arena

- Classic vehicle exhibition by Häme Mobilists.



During the event, parking will be availeble at the Armoured Brigade parking areas, with free non-stop transport to the museum.